Pauline Tombs- United Kingdom
It was the week before Christmas 2008 that my nephew turned up at my mom's with this frightened little bundle!
That little bundle was Ruby, a beautiful, 2yr old Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Ruby had apparently been used purely for breeding purposes and was left discarded in a crate. She was skin and bone and the owner wanted rid of!
That week before Christmas 2008, beautiful little Ruby found her forever home and the love she deserved for the next 9yrs, sadly passing in 2017, having the life she was born to have full of love.
Thank you Pauline for sharing this beautiful story.
Caren Hansmann- Ontario, Canada
I always kept an eye on animal shelters nearby. I didn’t really know whether I was ready for another dog though. One day just by chance I saw pictures of a beautiful girl. She looked so adorable but what caught my eye the most was that she appeared to be in pure fear, devastated. I immediately called being it was Friday. After telling the lady on the phone I would be out the following week she informed me this girl was set to be euthanized Tuesday.
Saturday morning I was there first thing. The shelter explained to me she had been bred but it’s unknown what happened to the puppies. They brought her out to meet me. Her ears were down and her tail was tucked between her legs to the point of not being visible. We left together 20 minutes later.
I named her Sheena. Sheena quickly became the best, most loyal and true companion I could ever hope for. Everyone who met Sheena loved her but her heart belonged to me. I had 14 amazing years with my best friend. Forever and always in my heart.

Elvis by Mary Lou Simo - CA
Our beloved gray and white, Smokey, had died at 19 yrs old in 2013. Two months later, my friend frantically calls me to say she has just seen his twin at Petco at an animal Rescue Adoption Day. Let's just say that was the last Saturday that Elvis ever had to sit pretty at the Rescue adoption day. He has been in our home ever since and "Elvis has Never Left the Building!"

Goldie by Mary Lou Simo - CA
My 94 year old mother had to move out- of state to a nursing home and leave behind her 6 beloved very old cats. Luckily, our very good friends were able to buy her home and care for all of her cats as if they were their babies.. -
A few months later, I found myself at Burbank Animal Shelter for a separate reason and wandered into their cat adoption room. There was a note on one kitty's cage who had been there 3 months. Her owner had entered a nursing home and had to relinquish her. The note said "this kitty missed her very much"... Not for Long... That same day, she found her way into my car and our house forever.... Paid it Forward~~~~~Pease meet our Goldie.

Alex Haynes - NYC
8 1/2 years ago Fern was tied up in a junkyard in New Jersey. Her collar was so tight it has embedded itself into her neck. A Good Samaritan cut her free and she ended up at animal control, sitting on their kill list. She was spotted by a member of Mighty Mutts, a rescue we volunteered with at the time, and she was saved from euthanasia and came to us as a foster. Within five days we knew we had to keep her. Since then, she’s become a certified therapy dog and has visited facilities all over NYC wagging her tail, giving kisses, and spreading love.

Jamie Rouse Cooksey- Louisiana
Peewee is an 18 month old kitten who, along with his brothers, was very ill as a four week old kitten. He had to be fostered and literally pulled from the brink as he fought a serious upper respiratory infection. But this little guy, the smallest of his brothers, rallied and now he is a handsome, loving and gentle cat who actually loves to help me foster other kittens. You see, Peewee was my foster fail. And I don’t regret it for a second.